>>9908232>>9908231>>9908223>>9908217>>9908216>>9908212>>9908210>>9908206>>9908204>>9908192>>9908195>>9908196>>9908191>>9908187>>9908186>>9908185>>9908184So much kvetching, shilling, dishonesty, misrepresentation and bot-posts for just a LARP.
No other topic on pol, except mayby pedogate receives this much love from TPTB. How could that be? Why are people payed to sit and attempt to paint a picture of division, consensus crack, slide, misrepresent and dilute the topic?
I mean it is astronomical, Q / PedoGate threads have around 5 times these type of responses. This is perhaps the best Q proof there is, nothing else need to be said.
Remember when they played the "Q AM ZIONIST DURR DERPLE HURR DURR" narrative? How did that go? Now this? Whats next?
So much work to trick a few zoomers/boomers/redditors who see through if if they stay here for longer than a tourist visit.
Who's side are they on? What other people want to discredit Q?
- Rothschilds ( Mike / David notably )
- Celebs ( The Hanks, Clintons etc )
- Shills/Spooks/Glowies.
These posters are living / bot versions of a Q proof.