>>2098606Faith: "Good. And please don't ever talk about this...."
>>2098615She talks to you as you're leaving.
Faith (She's getting kinda angry now): "He wasn't YOUR comrade, he was my friend. I knew him from when I joined this exact resistance base six months ago. When the arume attack us, he cried like a little bitch and pleaded that they shouldn't hurt him, because he could "help them". Tch, what an asshole."
>>2098616Faith is trying to avoid eye contact with you.
Faith: "F-fine, stuff happens. A-and I'm sure you didn't mean to... You know what, I'm not sure why you ripped my towel off. But whatever, that's behind us, let's get on with the mission."
Kruber to you: "BAH! You're crazy my friend!"
>>2098606>>2098615>>2098616>>2098522You all gather just outside the base.
The two Hueys take off and head for the beach.
Faith: "Alright, there's some marchland we have to cover to get to the beach. It's open terrain, but we should have cover with the fog around."
There is a thick fog layer, you can only see around 25 metres in front of yourselves.
You all set off.
You're going through the forest right now.
>>2098615Corporal Harrison nudges you.
Harrison: "Hey, what do you fight for? Other than humanity, that is. Do you have an ulterior motive?"