>>19118815>He said he suffers from really bad anxiety and has to take all this medication for it.This business of medicating kids with Jew pharma from preschool on started in the 90s and is a crime against humanity. All psychiatrists, psychologists, school counselors/therapists/nurses who ever pushed a psychopharmaceutical on a kid get the rope or firing squad, no exceptions.
And of course children of single mothers are anxious, without a father around to temper their mothers’ general female batshit insanity.
>>449685495>Single mother, put me on amphetamines and antidepressants as an early teen.Many such cases.
>>19118914>Widespread absence of father figures is the greatest problem of the modern world.This and nothing but this. Imagine having nothing but flabby geriatric kike cocksucking bankrupt adulterers and child sniffers presented as “your choice” of men to lead your country. Maddening; sickening; repulsive.
>>19118916>they are planning to spin the upcoming military draft as a way to provide these young men with the "man knowledge" they lackThere’s not going to be any draft, shitwit. Commanding officers will be fragged unrelentingly and they know it. And as long as 4chan stays up, I’ll be here reminding young men if they want an army to “man up” and join, it’s the one specified in the Declaration of Independence, in this case to overthrow and replace ZOG.
>t. Gen X