Christ was not a Jew. Modern Kikes despise Christians more than Muslims.
Anonymous No.21801058 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I'm tired of reading nonsense everyday here on /pol/. So i'll try to debunk (deboonk) some of the common blatant bullshit we read and also give ammunition to other brothers.
When we say that Jesus Christ is not a jew, there is some nuance to it, because Jews today are literally the descendants of Pharisees, the one group Jesus denounced strongly.
Calling Jesus a jew is like calling Julius Caesar an Italian just like Giorgia Meloni.
"Rabbi" didn't mean back then the kippah wearing yeshiva trained jewish scholars of today. It just meant "Teacher", a wise person
Today a "rabbi" means someone who studied in a yeshiva, particularly the Talmud, which didn't exist back then
Jews absolutely scoff at the idea of Jesus being the Messiah (AKA Cristo). Judaism is not some ancient tradition, Abraham was not a jew, Noah was not a Jew, even Moses was not a jew. This is wrong just like it would be wrong to call Pocahontas an american or John smith an american, there was no America in their time.
There is no other mainstream document that codifies antisemitism more than the New Testament. It's an eternal point of contention that the new testament puts Pharisees (AKA modern kikes) as the main villains, as vipers and traitors. The Quran doesn't shit on jews nor does any other book. All persecutions against Jews happened during Christian Europe
Jews were literally treated better under Muslim kingdoms than in Christian kingdoms up untill the French Revolution. Maimonides (Which Jews call the second moses) was a wazir, a minister of jews under a muslim caliphate.