>>21592558>>21592559>>21592560Sanchuniathon also mentions his own version of the Ogdoad when talking about Taautus (Thoth/Hermes):
>Wind/Colpias and Erebus/Baau>Aeon/Mot and Eros/Protogonus>Genus and Genea>Pûr and Phloxhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanchuniathon>A philosophical creation story traced to "the cosmogony of Taautus, whom Philo explicitly identifies with the Egyptian Thoth—"the first who thought of the invention of letters, and began the writing of records"—which begins with Erebus and Wind, between which Eros 'Desire' came to be. From this was produced Môt 'Death' but which the account says may mean 'mud'. In a mixed confusion, the germs of life appear, and intelligent animals called Zophasemin (probably best translated 'observers of heaven') formed together as an egg. The account is not clear. Then Môt burst forth into light and the heavens were created and the various elements found their stations>According to the text, the wind Colpias and his wife Baau (translated as Nyx 'Night') give birth to mortals Aeon, who discovered food from trees, and Protogonus 'firstborn'); The immediate descendants of these were Genus and Genea, who dwelt in Phoenicia; "and ... when droughts occurred, they (Genus and Genea) stretched out their hands to heaven towards the sun; for him alone (he says) they regarded as god the Lord of Heaven, calling him Beelsamen, which is in the Phoenician language 'lord of heaven', and in Greek 'Zeus.'" (Eusebius, I, x). Genus and Genea give birth to hôs, Pûr, and PhloxThe connection between this and Jesus is that his name comes from Joshua, who was the son of Nun (which means fish and is the name of the first member of the Ogdoad), which is why the symbol of Christianity is the fish. Fishs and birds were the first beings created by Elohim according to Genesis 1:20, which is why the Enki priests called Apkallu were also represented with bird heads besides fish costumes.