what is this embarrassing boomer shit
>> Derp (ID: YZ74JDv5) 04/03/24(Wed)03:31:21 No.19941680▶
>>19942604 >>19944393>>19941044What about a new direction, in the same momentum?
American Renaissance General?
No civil war, no revolutionary war but rather a rebirth, a new rising of the American spirit?
Its hard to find the right words, but fundamentally we must not only act, but prepare too, for what ever comes after. We have to define it, the post revolution. A new nation built on the foundations of the original and every free nation before it. A better defined and broadened naming of what that freedom is, who deserves it and why. Where do you see yourself, ten or twenty years after the regime? What is the nightmare scenario if we fail, in the starkest possible terms?
>> Ceiling Fren (ID: vdqZaAiu) 04/03/24(Wed)10:23:41 No.19942409▶
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>>19941067but do you have my twitter fren? Chirp?
>> Retard (ID: cP3wsSIu) 04/03/24(Wed)11:07:15 No.19942491▶
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I'm gonna have a lot of REEEEing to do when I get home from work today.
Stay tuned.
>> Anonymous (ID: HSe1SJvO) 04/03/24(Wed)12:23:03 No.19942604▶
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>>19941680they say people think in stories
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e65qLZ7F4zs&pp=ygU1dGhlIG5leHQgY2hhcHRlciBpbiB0aGUgYW1lcmljYW4gc3RvcnkgbmV3IGRpc2NvdXJzZXM%3D [Embed]
>> Anonymous (ID: 0bwV2IPL) 04/03/24(Wed)14:48:51 No.19944393▶
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>>19941680>American Renaissance General? No civil war, no revolutionary war but rather a rebirth, a new rising of the American spirit?This. Its what I interpreted rwg as too, never a revolution or some sort of civil war thread. i think name kimda sucks and makes pol think it's a larp or glows.