>>20555012Kasumi walked into the backstage area lighting up a cigarette. She stopped, taking a drag and exhaling before smirking at the camera.
>Fucking retard. You thought you could get away with hanging with my sister? Thought you could get away with keeping THE WIDOWMAKERS BELTS AWAY FROM US?! HUH?! FUCKING CUNT!Kasumi's smirk dropped as she screamed at the camera. She regained her composure and adjusted her tie.
>I am God's divine justice. I am the embodiment of retribution. I am the one that will break you. And you, Yumi, and all of your little *FUCKING* friends in Deathproof are going to face my wrath. And this is because *YOU,* Yumi. Decided to crawl out of whatever fucking hole you were living in and started fucking with Cassie. I don't know why, and to be honest, I don't really give a shit. I am the head of Club Xtacy's security however. I am the Hapa Heemer. I am Miss O'Brian. And this doesn't stop with Fury. It doesn't stop with me beating the fuck out of Yumi once. It doesn't stop with Lexi annihilating Reina. It doesn't end even though Cassie broke Yumi's face. It doesn't end at Wargames. No, this stops once I dismantle your entire group. Piece. By. FUCKING. *PIECE *Kasumi smirked again.
>And it starts at the next show. For all of those retards who think it's acceptable to hang out with a fucking piece of shit like Yumi, go fuck yourselves. I'll see one of you *really* soon.Kasumi winked at the camera before walking off.