>>11558339dwai too much
what can i say i'm a cute sort of guy
didn't realize yeonwoo was still around for i'm so hot to be honest
>>11558340just trying to expose problematic idols
ur brain is shovelware it seems
i can't remember who did it but there's unironically video essay about this phenomenon. for whatever reason 20 years is about the right amount of time for nostalgia to kick in and there's a sort of a 40 year echo in media. the 80s were glorified in the 00s for the sake off nostalgia and now people are getting nostalgic for being nostalgic of the 80s essentially
i just like eldritch horrors and whatnot personally
it's hard to tell. the video he linked as the "chart" seems to just be based on user votes and they don't disclose the demographics