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since ALL of Jewmany was slowly, piecemeal carved out of Poland Slovania by the COMPUTER GOD in the RISE OF THE JEWMAN CITY STATES from the C. God original FIRST NIGER HOUSING JEW INFESTATION POPULATION EXPLOSION of the C. God worse deadly ELECTRICAL Frankenstein Radio Head JEW DISEASE in the entire history of the Universe. Judean nigers, lowly illiterate apes from the desert mountainous wilderness of Ethiopia.
It is time for the USSR to let Polish armed forces regain and reannex ALL of East Germany and thereby, Poland will regain some of Poland Slovania’s heartlands from before recorded history. In this way, the USSR can bring Polish people in East Germany, now forced to pretend they are Jewmans and most important, by so doing, forever end the fear of another COMPUTER GOD MANIPULATED deadly Jewmany expanding disease empire. It is time to change back ALL of the simplified Jewmany named to the original elite Polish Slovanian names of cities, provinces, etc,.