>>16949069also yeah when the worms die they release a ton of nitrogen and other toxins from them decaying that's why it's recommended to take ornithine and arginine to help remove it like pic rel
and with
>diatomaceous earth, food grade>zeolite clay, food gradeit's recommended to start with small doses cause you're going to be killing a ton of worms which causes you to feel sick from them dying
if you read comments on sites for diatomaceous earth the people will talk about how this stuff was used all over and grandma's would give it to kids whenever they had a runny nose
and zeolite clay has cured people of crazy stuff too if you read the reviews for that, most bowel issue stuff is said to clear up
and people have said their cancer was cured when they ate raw almonds or raw apricot seeds and that in the past these were considered as valuable as gold in some nations
https://www.amazon.com/Zeolite-Powder-Pound-Less-Than-Clinoptilolite/dp/B07PF75MMWhttps://www.amazon.com/Diatomaceous-Earth-Food-Grade-Powder/dp/B00FN3LNLY?th=1read the reviews it explains a ton more