>>19142353hey OP, sort of in similar situation although i think i'm probably worse off than you and also older than you (35+).
>if you are still young and don't wanna kys then you have to make the firm choice to live for yourself and not for anyone or anything outside of yourself, including the benefit of family/friends and external society>to live for yourself means to also make some money, i assume you work but also want to "do a side project">instead of thinking long-term just figure out what is best for you to do in present moment. i know it sounds cringe but be present, always ask what is best thing i can do in this moment given what's available>go fuck a whore and pay for it. i've fucked women for free (one night stands), fucked while in relationship, and fucked cheap whores that i paid. i can conclude that the whores were better for me in terms of cost and removal of stress. today's modern women are basically all prostitutes who will eat up your time and money. at least with an actual whore you pay a fixed cost for a fixed amount of time. it's very efficient. the only main risk of course is if she has a pimp or tries to rob you which never happened to me since i check the number and reviews, etc.longer:
i didn't make it despite being aware of stock/crypto trading early on (before 2018). for me i think getting redpilled fucked me up in the same way you describe ("what's the point?) so i've been mooching off family support for a while now (they're not rich i just live with them and eat leftovers, we are supported by feminist family member who is supported by our gyno society that says there must be more women in business).
anyway, everything you're complaining about including seeing brasilians, ask yourself if this is shit you can control, like avoiding them, wearing shades and headphones so they don't interact with you, etc. get away from everything that causes you stress.go relax in nature, great beaches in portugal, etc.