>>2280803I never went to recess and I always stay inside the classroom (since we dont switch classrooms, we just always stay in one place for all periods)
I dont eat usually. If I do, I just go buy and come back inside the classroom. I hate eating in the cafeteria and theres no one to sit with anyway. I had no friends to eat or hang out with so I stay inside the classroom
I just got so paranoid and hated the whispering bullying people do in school. They never bullied me directly but they do just sneakily and it made me so fucking terrified of everyone around me
But on the flipside, I loved the days I was always alone the classroom during elem and highschool days. I could just be staring and be dazing about shits with no one interrupting me atleast for 30 minutes. The solitude was really comforting. I could be easily as I want to inside without anyone looking