>>20817695Something radical happened after the anorexia/bulemia craze died out. For ages diet culture for women had largely been correct, if a little weird and idiosyncratic. Women do not need as much food as men and to lose weight they DO have to be restricted to itty bitty calorie diets. You can have your hard boiled egg and salad and that's your meal, or your piece of salmon on wheat toast, etc. etc. to lose weight, and that shit works! It does. Women actually don't need that many calories unless they're pregnant/breastfeeding. Women were THIN because they were "starving themselves", but ONLY in contrast to men, who can metabolize a lot more calories due to more muscle mass and size alone, before you start counting other activities or metabolic functions. Feminist women who truly bought equality started eating on par with men. They internalized the critical theory that would make them feel resentful for getting a cup of soup and avocado toast while their date housed a whole cheeseburger and fries with three beers.
Then the Health At Any Size wackadoo bullshit took over, diet culture got associated with self-harm, and women started blowing up like houses in the late 00's and 10's. Americans have been getting fat in general due to food supply and lifestyle problems, but young women were hit especially hard in this era because they were ideologically deprived of the nutritional coping mechanism - diets.