>>19226294>What is there to justify?your inane posting, your attention seeking behavior, your continued returning to this place that you hate, but you said everyone else is inane so it's okay to join them and change nothing about this board
look, I don't blame you, or am I asking you to be this board's messiah, I was just making an observation that I've noticed across all boards about how lonely people only worry about making themselves feel less lonely, which, ironically, only isolates them even more from the genuine connection they want so badly
>What boardit's not about the board, dummy, it's about the poster. I know exactly what this place is so it's even more amusing to me to see posters like you wash up on its shores and start fishing for (You)s
>because I put "talk to me"been here since the first day you arrived on this board, so, no, I'm aware of your tactics and satire, it surprisingly doesn't change much about you
>some other identical cookie-cutter templatehey, listen man, I don't like those guys either
>Terribledo your homework
this board really needs to remove flags...