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Just about to say something about the school addition. I often hear from Americans that the school is the worst thing I had to go through and so on. And here is a simple difference: Russians always live or try to live in a large team and work together. You are more individual. You like to have a local group of people and work / communicate only with them. According to this (I say judging by what I heard) you have bullying. In Russia, those who mock the weak are beaten. And we beat them very hard. And by the way this is why you are so afraid to use physical force? I saw a couple of times how people are fighting in America and people screaming usually CALLING THE POLICE, O MY GOOOOD... We often have conflicts with assholes with the end in a fight. In your case, this kind of conflict ends: "AND WHAT DO YOU DO TO ME? WELL TRY TO TOUCH ME, COMMON, HA, YOU CAN NOT DO ANYTHING?" And how good that we just beat these in my country. Because later they cease to be the asshole. And this example concerns police. Yes, you might think that this is terrible, and Russian are wild barbarians. But our police have almost never kill people. They are not afraid to go in the melee. And surprise - to beat a man better than kill. We do not apply the principle police weapons. And how could I pass up the theme with a weapon.
And public transport. This is not that bad, but I liked more in Moscow, where we had: buses, trolley buses, trams, subways, taxis, and so on. For $ 2, I could drive around Moscow because we have a lot of public transport and it is cheap. It's not bad that you have so little of it, but I liked using it more than buying a car, paying insurance and paying for gas.