>>18144141>Yellow Empress, Colby tells me you're an honourable person and that's good enough for me. I consider myself something of a businesswoman and contrary to popular opinion "Immaculate Connection" isn't just some lewd marketing ploy, it's about forging bonds and business ties and making money. I don't intend to cripple myself for the amusement of these fickle marks in the arena so as long as your goals don't conflict with Priscilla Divine's, Cassie Kade's or The Queen's I think we can get along and make a lot of money together. Amy smiles
>But let me make one thing clear to you; you will not put Colby Jefferson in harms way. If your intentions for her ever stray beyond the professional, well... perhaps it's best we don't find out.>>18144280Amy watches Miss USA's outburst with a mixture of confusion and sadness but the circle of pom poms do manage to elicit a smile
>Just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower Uma you had to go and say... that. I'm used to your vicious comments about me and my past but to invoke our deceased former champion on live TV just to take another cheapshot at me is more tasteless and more classless than I thought possible.Amy glances at Raging Red
>Is this really the kind of person you want to publicly associate with?Amy addresses Miss USA again
>You're a lunatic and a psychopath and its beggars belief you're out here casting aspersions about my character when you alienate everyone around you with your sociopathic behaviour. You're the cancer here Uma, not me, and not my friends. Don't blame me just because you picked a fight you can't win and now your only option is to come out here, alone, to try and solicit help from anyone you can manipulate into feeling sorry for you.