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the Slosh Crews, Matthew Daniels had a weapon he hadnt used yet, the camel reserve sploosher hose. here is a description of its operation
it is a hose with several camel like humps in it, the humps had thin walls letting them swell up a lot and were lined with very tough elastic rubber from the splash or crash laboratories (a lab that was dissolved after the incident). these humps were lined up in sequence with a very thin hole connecting them. Matthew Daniels was filling up the hose with water and was blasting the opposition trying to score, the Wet Stingers didnt score anything for 20 minutes letting his team slosh in their goal and the score was 394 - 425 when the tragedy occured.
the end of the reserve camel sploosher-hose got clogged up and let the humps fill up, the spigot somehow broke during the match and couldnt be turned off so the hose kept filling up. eventually the rubber inside gave way and created what is now called the "tidal sploosh". it was an immense sploosh, the largest recorded to date, with a volume of 12000 litres and a huge momentum of 250 J / kg*s
it destroyed a whole side of the wall of the arena and 2 participants died, the goals didnt get destroyed but both got hugely sloshed, the score recorded from them was an unheard of 12531 - -523, the score for the slosh crew got so high the circuits for the goals overflowed and gave them a negative score
im asking for more information on how such a malfunctioning hose could have been made so sploosh labratories could possibly re-enact the incident in a more controlled way to create a hyper sploosh minea