>>21229864>[Sheila is shocked at Kelly's actions, to the point she can't even speak.]Her brain is screaming at her to go and help Reina, but her muscles will not respond, and she can't move. As Kelly rolls back in and give Sheila a kiss, the Australian can't stop Kelly from taking the microphone. Kelly DiVanna's taunt and challenge complete, Sheila finally manages to find her voice.
"You... but... that was... Kelly, what the fuck?! I just told her"--
Sheila rolls out of the ring and starts to head to Reina's side, and as soon as she is close enough, she tries to clear the situation up.
"Oi, Reino, fuck. Dat wasn't -- Oi din't know she was gunna do dat! Oi was torkin', loik, meta-forrical about da train, yeah? Oi'm really fucken sorry, mate. Oi, lemme help ya."
Reaching out, Sheila goes to help Reina to her feet.