>>9945038>nothing is happeningReading comprehension: How does it work?
I didn't say nothing is happening. I said Q is a psy-op to pacify and mislead the general public--- specifically, the MAGA movement. Trump is the real-deal. Unprecedented things are happening in this world.
Look, "Q" was started by a couple guys in the Trump administration and then it basically got hijacked from them after a very short time. The Deep State has been running it for YEARS now. Maybe it's clever boys from the CIA. But Q is not a legitimate source of information, because it's operated by the enemy. They have used it to try to discredit Alex Jones, for example--- and many Qtards ACTUALLY BELIEVED IT.
Mark my words, the ultimate goal of Q will be to discredit Trump himself. There will come a time when Q cryptically announces, "Bad news. Terrible news. POTUS compromised. Patriots scrambling. We have been betrayed. WWG1WGA." Something along those lines. And again, QTARDS WILL BELIEVE IT, because they're gullible as fuck. They drank the Q-Aid and like all good cult members, they will react with anger to any suggestion that they have been fooled.
........Also, FUCK THESE NIGGERFUCKING CAPTCHAS. What the actual shitstained niggerchrist is wrong with them? Each captcha takes literally 5 minutes to complete and now it's claiming "Your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now." Fuck Google. May the vengeful spirit of Saint Nasim cleanse the Earth of all Google employees in righteous green vegan Hellfire.