>>16921400Matey to be prefectly cereal for moment. There’s nothing secret if you own and uses devices as standard.
I used to use a military intelligence algorithm (hi glowies) by accessing it through FB users (and Twitter users) giving permission for those two spook fest private companies to access the algorithm with regard to themselves when they tick the user agreement. It’s not only communications it spies on it’s also gathering intel on everyone via proximity to other devices so they know who you know, also how you know them. It uses AI to work everything out from the clues and knows more about people than their closest relatives probably know. Anything it doesn’t know for a fact it works out.
I used to do security and similar shenanigans so it was very cozy to tell a client to tell me their enemies phone number and 2 minutes later be able to tell them their enemies secrets; And there were always secrets.
It’s how FB was able to tell you who your friends were as if by magic 2 seconds after you ticked the agreement.
Twitter has secrets too. Like for example the fact that it is an AI development suite. It’s not made for humans, it was developed around the needs of AI, hence the bloody awful tweet format. It was all AI could cope with back in the day.
Those two companies being as i said spook fests is why they were pushed so hard back in the day by shithouse organisations like the BBC who really have no business pushing private companies unless as was the case here it is being done for nefarious reasons.
Well you live & learn.
Here is a biggy. Stop using screen programming 100%, today. Doesn’t matter what you think other people are doing grow up and snap out of it. If you use that shit then you are being hypnotised, daily.
>yeah but it doesn’t matter though does it?Remember that deadly plague? You shouldn’t do because there hasn’t been one.
But muh. Can’t tell some people. Largely dead people, being chucked into shipping containers.