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Heavenly Father, please help the Nazis and white supremacists and racists, especially those on 4chan, to stop blaming others for their misfortune. Please give them the grace to bear their sufferings with joy and to find comfort in the knowledge that you are there even in the darkest places and nothing escapes your sight and that you are a good and just and loving God and you will set all things right in your own time and your own way according to your perfect plan. Please give them the strength to bear their sufferings gracefully, and to bring good from them, as you would not allow evil to happen if it did not serve some good purpose in your infinite and perfect plan for creation. Please help them to love other people, and to hate their sins. Please help them to see that we are all your precious children, created in your image and likeness, and loved by you infinitely, Jew, Gentile, black, white, male, female. And please help them to reject the lies of the Devil and to know and accept the truth that only comes from you.
In Jesus Christs' name, we pray. Amen.