Quoted By:
`{ Kaori. Scarlet. Your time draws close. }`
「 Kaori. Nefertiti knows you did ask. Nefertiti know that you would rather live in ignorance. Live with a suitable lie than hear an inconvenient truth. You know inside that if you ask, you will not like the answer. So you avoid the issue. Let the wound fester rather than ask how to heal. 」
`{ I watched my sister suffer for months. Unable to play with her children. Unable to assist her wife. Unable to live her own life. And while she suffered, Scarlet pretended she did nothing wrong. Scarlet blocks her ears and covers her eyes, content to live in a land of make believe. }'
「 Scarlet. All you had to do was apologise. Instead, you lie to the world. Lie to your partner. And lie to yourself. In just a few short days, the lies will end. The Pride will make you speak the truth. With a Lion's Maul. 」
`{ Or a Huntress' Spear. This weekend, in Paris, in front of the world, The Pride will come before you. }`
「 And here, in Paris, when The Pride comes before you? 」
`{ It ends. }`