>>19560534>>19560594>>19563109>[Amy excuses herself, and for a brief second the old Flamy is gone and the new one pokes its head out. Sheila has apparently missed... a lot, apparently. Including just why Flamy and Hollso are mates now. And why Romeo is all pissed. In fact...]"Oi Hollso, since when are youse and Flamy all mates now? I fort youse hated them Angels?"
"An' Romeo, the fuck, mate? Why youse so fucken mad? Joisus fucken Chroist."
"Fuck me dead, a cunt carn't miss a cuppla munfs 'round 'ere wiffout every-fing goin' tits up."
>[Sheila can't fault Holly for wanting to move on. As soon as Sheila opened her mouth to greet Amy she felt it was the wrong time and place.] "Oi, nah, dun worry about me, mate. Oi can head off if need be. Plenny-a pub 'round 'ere would love ta be vissy-ted by Old Mate Shiels. Youse 'n' Flamo gotta long noight ahead-a yas, I reckon. Gotta reckon dese cunts had mates in the area, hey?"
"What about you, Romeo? Havin' fun out there, 'parently?"