>>1637957...this is very peculiar, as none of my serach engines are picking up anything but your own reposts on the subject, not even the wayback machine has any snapshots of it during an earlier point in time. This existence of this book is news to me, and the weird thing is I'm not even getting anything about the book being mentioned on Ponychan proper. Nevertheless, I have a few contacts that might or might not have more information on the subject via the connections I have made on the Discord. I shall attempt an investigation on the matter directly in Ponychan itself schedual permitting, if you desire. Perhaps I could update you on the situation if we had a more direct means of contact? (
https://discord gg/bhpxsP [add period in blank space]!)
>>1637930https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkWtthtbQQ8Welcome to the path to insanity, Virgin.