He's not gonna come, is he?
>>11301684Oh, I like that detail too, and how half her hair is loose.
>man eater bug from Yu-gi-oh!But how?
>though I never had anime for profile pic, always something more extraAckshully Tifa is not from an anime. And in my defense I was like twelve. Since then I stopped having any accounts besides two emails and a pixiv, recently.
What do you mean by something more extra?
>we are giving 13 and 14 year old girls choice to pick highschools they want which have far greater consequences on their overalls lifeI don't see how, really. Nowadays everybody and their mother has a university degree, so your high school matters very little. All they care about is how well you did on our variant of final exams.
Let's be real, teenagers will have sex no matter what, I wasn't talking about banning it nor about never talking proper prevention measures. But we shouldn't encourage it either.
>you seem to forget that girls as young as 12 teadily consume alchohol and feel sexual urges as young as 9The latter sounds a bit far-fetched and the former only exists in shitty houhseholds over here, but no matter. But do you know what it feels like when somebody does such things to you at such a young age? I'm glad you never got to find out.
>showing that you can handle being a hipocrite is a sign of dominanceI suppose we all are hypocrites in a sense or another. I don't see why we wouldn't try to avoid being so whenever we can, though. I like fairness and if I myself am not fair in a conscious manner then can I really complain about the world not being so either?
>it's still diddling, no matter what you call it>so nothing is bothering you?What would be bothering me? I don't really understand what you meant by that previous post.
>>11301936No real powers until you get to thirty. Tell me what it's like once you get there. Mere mortals cannot experience wizardhood's delights, sadly.