>>13958666To expound upon this, I look at the prospect of a successful lifelong relationship with a woman the way scientists look at the great filter theory to answer the fermi paradox.
IF she doesn't reject me because I dont meet her insane standards
IF she doesn't dump me after I pay for a couple meals
IF she doesn't cheat on me
IF she doesn't dislike the sex and accuse me of rape
IF she decides it's time to get fat and marries me
IF she doesn't decide to murder my children in her womb
IF she doesn't cheat on me ot leave me for someone else
IF she doesn't decide to murder my chidlren outside of the womb
IF she doesnt divorce me, take away my chidlren forever, and make me a financial slave for 18 to life
IF she doesn't poison my old man mush for my life insurance
IF she loves me until the day we both die
THEN I will be one lucky man in a million.
Why would I subject myself to that gauntlet?