>>20055581Thing is, they are given all tools for independence and self-reliance, but all they end up doing with them is sitting on their fat asses and manipulating men around them. I wouldn’t mind all that feminist bullshit if women actually practiced what they preach.
You mention competition. What does a man do when given equal opportunities to compete. He strives and perseveres to achieve success and outcompete other men. What does a woman do? She whine and nags about her lazy ass not having the same things as a diligent man despite her lazy ass putting in way much effort into it. So she comes up with bullshit notions of “equity” where meritocracy is discarded in favor of some kindergarten version of communism. Women are passive and external; they have no ontological notion of self. To them equality has nothing to do with agency and individuality, but a brutish collectivist resource redistribution game.