i'm writing down the teas i like on my pastebin. i've recorded three mixes of compositions now. check out the german teas. stick lembke, yogi tea, bünting, the bio teas at DM, aldi and lidl. they all have useful and helpful teas. atleast till drusilla foer as siphoned all the energy from them. it's 4 teas:
1 Bag Bünting funkelnder Nordstern
1 Bag Yogi Tea Basische Kräuter
1 Bag Yogi Tea - Grüne Energie
1 Bag stick lembke- Sanddornbeere & Weizengras
1 Bag stick lembke Salbei & Orangenschale
1 Bag dm Bio Eine Reise in die Savanne
1 Bag stick lembke Salbei & Orangenschalen
1 Bag yogi tea Halswärmer
there could be added cacaoshells as an enhancer to the tea. it should be placed around the pepper taste. better in the middle slightly closing in above the pepper. i wouldn't put it trough and above the pepper. also vanilla. below the pepper and closer to the self. i wouldn't know how to prepare for it. not the sugar, but the vanilla bean pulvered itself.