>>21868192>if God is real, why bad thing happen?This seems to be a stumbling block for many doubters. The truth is that the meaning of life is to endure suffering while trying to alleviate the suffering of others. We are deviating from this path by our sinful need to pursue endless pleasure, but pleasure ultimately leaves us feeling empty. The more pleasure we try to attain, the further we get from life. The more we embrace voluntary pain, the more we understand what life is all about. Your negative worldview is proof that your solipsistic belief system is counterintuitive to your psychological wellbeing and a hinderance to your ability to perceive the true beauty of this world. Better men than you or I have been through worse suffering than either of us could possibly comprehend, including our Christian forebears, and they have handed down wisdom sufficient to ease our suffering, brokered through their own endless toils that pass the test of time.
>ill never give up on you guys thoughWell you should start by not giving up on yourself or the world around you. We are indeed living in some very dark times and you need to be careful what information you absorb and disseminate. You could be doing the devil's work without even realizing it, which is all too common in the children of pride.
Christians are all about forgiveness and helping out our disillusioned fellow man, even if we have to practice tough love sometimes.