>>9488046Vikings are the epitome of white masculinity---------------------------
Nah,.... they just like ALL the other sub races who have their moment of glory too.
I not see some blonde superiority over the rest,.... by genes, history, archivements or else.
Nordics BFTO southerns example visighots. Then the where BTFO by bizantines. Others by muslims.
The glory of european peoples is like a wheel and every group catch is good moment some times.
Short time ago the british, spaniard and french empires BTFO the whole worlds soo.
That fascination for blond ppl is something very weird to me.
Maybe is because nordicist propaganda, maybe is a huge outgroup preference in dark whites who put the nordics and blonds in general in one pedestal or who know.
But thanx good i never suffer from that mental issue of cuckery.