>>19521608Holly baulked, shock gripping her chest at the outburst from the ever-cool and collected Romero. She'd not been expecting a war of words, she'd not been expecting tears. For a brief moment, she was wordless, before fire rose from within.
"You made it your problem when you put your fucking hand up. No one asked for your help. No one needed it. But you brought yourself into the situation, you entered the picture, and you allowed people to look up to you."
"If you hadn't come to the Dojo, there wouldn't be a FUCKING DOJO."
"And this place"
She gestures wildly around with her hands
"This place has become a feeding ground for the worst of the industry."
"You created a God damn salmon spawning pool and invited the bears to feast."
Holly grabs Ash's wrist, forcing the older wrestler to look at her.
"Why am I here? I came back for me. But I also came back to help all those who I wronged, to fix the WWA."
"I wanted to apologise... To make things right with the Dojo..."
"But while the Dojo exists, nothing will be right with it."