>>7536098yeah i guess that makes sense
not being able to afford much food tends to stunt growth a bit, just look at the north koreans
i guess this growth spurt is just a return to natural affairs then
>>7536109Why do you blush so much?
do you maybe subconsciously like it but are too embarrassed to show it?
>>7536112>Stockholm>Swedenwell there's your problem
swedes are mostly bad and the ones who dwell in the big cities especially so
i'm guessing you went to sweden for school then?
which meant snobby upperclass schoolmates and roommates
or perhaps not
in anycase swedes suck, pls try not to judge the rest of us by those experiences
>>7536127wait for it
i'm sure your girl who thinks you're cute will come
>>7536131we all crave some amount of attention, the right sort of attention especially
compliments are always nice