>>14756207>Just from my own personal experience I've always gotten the best results from CBD that had THC in it as well. Had no idea about the interactions beforehand, I just noticed a difference in the effectiveness.some of the cannabinoids in a full spectrum extract actually increase the rate at which you can absorb the more psychoactive components like thc. there are also the terpenes in cannabis(all the various tastes you find: pine, lemon, earthy, etc) and they have actual chemical effects on your body as well as increasing the efficacy of the cannabinoids, increasing the psychoactive effects.
this is why when the artifical "thc pill": Dronabinol/Marinol was invented and tested in the 80s it didnt take off because it was JUST synthetic THC by itself without any of the accompanying cannabinoids and terpenes found in real cannabis.
the terpenes, the molecules that generate the trademark smells/tastes of cannabis strains are almost as important as the cannabinoids themselves. there is a whole industry built around smell/taste therapy called aromatherapy and while its another market full of bullshit and snakeoil there is legitimate science behind the basis for aromatherapy.
scents like lemon and pine are found all throughout the chemical industry(in cleaners, air fresheners, etc) because they have chemical effects on people and can make them feel good. same reason almost all ancient human ceremonies involve fire and burning things - to release the terpenes in them to create the smells desired to set a atmosphere/mood/vibe for the ceremony. same reason japs put bowls of lemons everywhere.