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Modern people insane. They are separated from their nature and bombarded with a cacophony of grading sensations that drive them to the brink of madness. I call the sum of these sensations The Din. It's the smell of hot piss evaporating on the street corner. It's the overproduced pop and hip-hop music blaring in every café, bar, and shop. It's the perpetual juggling of bills, the junk information, supernormal stimuli, dehumanizing bureaucracies, and endless hoops modern man must jump though. It's the sight of women in public with fat spilling out of their exercise wear or club dresses. It's the media and advertisements. It's most of the internet. It's the graffiti, homeless in sidewalk tents, trash on the street, the demoralizing public "art" and soulless modern architecture. It's the bass notes blaring from a car and rattling its
license plate. It's the government's ability to spy on and harass you on a whim; and a politics which is wholly divorced from the public interest. It's anarchy for bums and rioters, and parking tickets and tax audits for respectable people. It's these and a million other offences acting in concert which make up the notes in the Satanic symphony of the din. The stress of ugliness, chaos, and unnatural life erode our sanity and senses of belonging to the world - the noises of modernity which dirty our souls.