>>20567599nah, they chose different facial poses on purpose
If they were honest they would all go for resting face or all the onions memes
Its cause rightwingers cant actually debate as they have never been taught how, since that leads to critical thinking, which leads to challenging beleifs, which leads to realizing the white male is oppressed and the system does nothing to thelp them
>>20567603traphouse mr lawman meme?
The one about what to do when the cops come over and how to make it a hell spot for them
All of which ignores cops just bomb you at that point
See, use, its all on which side you are providing
Its why theres all those bullshit brain puzzles like this one out there
They want to keep your brain fucked up since the point was the image was created to be stupid
That is the war out there, oh im owning the libs they dont know whats going on when I am being a kike