>>21246678A fucking cringe twink with 20 terabytes of 2d child porn on his computer is calling me a gambling retard when his entire portfolio is 3x leveraged shit before a recession because "obviously it's impossible for the stock market to not just go up 50% per year in perpetuity"
Jesus Christ the next extended beheeming is going to be so brutal that you tech faggots never even consider investing again the rest of your life.
You a bullish before a nigger woman wins the presidency of the United states. How fucking retarded are you? It's the most obvious top signal other than the NFTs and the fed selling their portfolios in 2023
JPOW fucking cucked today. He admits they can't beat inflation and that the feds can't afford their debt at current levels. The only way out is breadlines for tech nigger zoomers that think they should make 200k/but to "work from home" masturbating to hentai all day