let us take a look at the jewish customs and the talnmud
https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11Probably the only article worth reading from vice
Ketubot 11b6:
>Rava said that this is what the mishna is saying: An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye. In the case of an eye, after a tear falls from it another tear forms to replace it. Similarly, the ruptured hymen of the girl younger than three is restored. And a young boy who engaged in intercourse with an adult woman renders her as one whose hymen was ruptured by wood. And with regard to the case of a woman whose hymen was ruptured by wood itself, there is a dispute between Rabbi Meir and the Rabbis. Rabbi Meir maintains that her marriage contract is two hundred dinars, and the Rabbis maintain that it is one hundred dinars.>>21398841Jews follow the talmud, telling them what the Tannakh "actually means", idiot. Any allegence to the old testament is only a mask