>>12742522> The fatass in your pic sees them as fuck holes and treats them as such, because that's what women want. They say the opposite to shit-test you to see if you're a pussy. You're a pussy. A nice guy. You think treating women enjoy being treated "nice".
This is your answer, OP.
DO NOT put them in a pedestal, women hate that shit and think you’re lame if you treat them nice. That’s usually a “red flag” for them and it turns them off to the point they’ll try to stay away from you.
Talk to other girls at once, not just the one you’re interested in. They like to see other women wanting you as well so she can be sure she’s not making a mistake.
Talk to her, joke around with her, make her laugh, cross lines, and more importantly, make eye contact at all times and break the “touch barrier” I’m not saying go grab her by the pussy, but know when and where you touch her depending on how much she likes you.