>>17455306>Traditionally, Japanese men give their wives their whole wage and then get an allowance from it.I love this threads, All incels claim that they are victims of "something" and claim they want a trad-wife but do not want to be or do not have the skills to be a trad-husband either.
I still have empathy for chuds here, Its shit to have never touched a breast in real life.
>>17455307Keep nooticing chud, it will help you get a GF.
>>17455312>Yeah again serving their husband is literally slavery but serving random guys who don't care about them at work is totally empowering.>I don't care about getting laid Can you stop taking incel-pills??? really... in ten years you will look back and regret everyday having wasted your life in internet popular myths, and who will you blame for not going to therapy? da JOOOZ? muh troons? muh LGBT?