>>18758450>"Let us then command our own judgment, and trust in the powers of our perception and purity as we investigate this matter for ourselves. To which end, an interview must be conducted on the subject, and that means it falls to me, SHEE6, in a reversal of roles, to assume the mantle of interlocutor myself. So, Yellow Empress, my Saffron Sovreign in Silk, may I pose the question to you: are you a purveyor of false tacos, a villain so base in motive and deed as to be mistrusted? Have you truly brought such disgraceful deviancy to this splendid celebration? Are those fake tacos which you have upon your person?">>18758398SHEE6 peers closely at the Yellow Empress, then looks at the dish she is holding. She studies it closely for several seconds.
>"No. It is rice in red sauce. A common misconception, but one which we have evaded through our cunning powers of observation. In celebration of our triumph, let us all drink to the health of our noble hosts of the Night Villa and my esteemed guests alike, and let the celebration proceed apace!"