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lmao "big foreheaded oompaloompa"
my name is aleksander and im from korca, you dont even know how many times a day i still get the "wow are you greek? you really do look like alexander!" 6'1 btw, 177 lb, not a twig.
granted those bozos that tell me that are ironically the same people that have been duped by your (((people's))) history, believing the 6 billion and what not.
greece golden dawn leader KEK, google his 2nd in charge im sure youve seen his aryan face xD
then google "Zani Caushi", defacto capo of the south during post communist albania "civil war", then proceed to tell me how vlora is akshulli grik, iz griik malaga evriuan noz dhis
and if your last name is bocarakis, it could prob mean your grandfathers prob had the spirit of bocari, aka albanian, not as if your faggot ass has lineage to him.
btw, isnt today the day manoli glezo removed the nazi flag from parthenon? wonder what he would mention constantly about albanians and arvanites, or is your bitch ass 12 and still larping that shit the papoules told you in the street/school