>There is no medical mental illness test. Unlike medical disease, there are no scientific tests to verify the medical existence of any psychiatric disorder. Despite trying to prove mental disorders are due to imbalances or genetic factors, psychiatry has failed to prove even one mental disorder is due to a faulty or “imbalanced” brain.http://psychrights.org/http://antipsychiatry.org/http://www.szasz.com/http://www.breggin.org/https://www.madinamerica.com/>Antidepressants and the Placebo Effect by Kirsch et alhttps://archive.is/lx8mk>Kirsch et al.'s calculations are correcthttp://archive.is/QdDLx>The replication crisis hits psychiatry: No candidate genes for depressionhttp://archive.is/T9FIQ>Anti-Psychotics Shrink the Brainhttp://archive.is/EVdG9>Connecticut Patient Has Been Shocked 500 Times in 5 Yearshttps://archive.is/D4N4E>Kids are getting sent to psych units under the Baker Act in record numbershttps://archive.is/dOCdw>The Terrible, Awful Truth About SSIhttps://archive.is/rWdez>Questions surround patient's death in psychiatric hospitalhttps://archive.is/UMONa>Their kids died on the psych ward. They were far from alone.https://archive.is/dvwVk>Antidepressant use creates physical dependencehttp://archive.is/QSS46>SSRIs Associated with Increased Risk for Violent Crimehttp://archive.vn/8AmNN>Is Depression a Disease?: A Debatehttp://www.szasz.com/isdepressionadiseasetranscript.pdf-
Diagnostic materials: Diagnose yourself!
>DSM-5https://archive.org/details/DSM5Eng>Checklist of Schizotypic Signshttps://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/151571/PR-73-5.pdf>MMPI; Used by US Govt.http://www.ohiofamilyrights.com/docs/MMPI_scoring.html>How to score MMPIhttps://cognitivedynamics.blogspot.com/2019/12/how-to-interpret-mmpi-2-scores-do-it-yourself.htmlIf they were real brain diseases, they would be treated by a neurologist. Psychiatry is handmaiden to the state.
>inb4 scientology