Quoted By:
>be me
>write mystery story
>plots so mysterious
>so mysterious you forget who's the bad guy a third of the way through
>characters start appearing and disappearing for reasons unknown to you
>protagonist isn't sure what's going on
>neither do you
>keep writing
>story setting inexplicably changes from London to New York
>roll with it and blame dark magic
>keep writing and completely forget there's a bad guy behind everything
>accidentally kill off one of your major characters that were supposed to play an important role later on
>cause of death was stairs and some gravity
>never realize the original plots been fucked, keep writing
>four eternities later...
>2,356KB of unbridled genius
>show it to someone
>the reaction is "this is good anon but who's the bad guy?"
>oh shit.jpg
>remember about the bad guy that was supposed to explain everything
>remember that he stopped existing somewhere after the 14th chapter
>say it's "up to interpretation"
you're only a good mystery writer if your story fools even you