>>18335147>Gee whiz, Miss Raquel, that's mighty kind of you!>I know there are a ton of Corn Nuts and Children of the Corn in the WWA Galaxy but hearing it from people like you, Miss Sapphire, Miss Nikki and the rest of the Divine Angels->Well-Corn Girl starts to tear up.
>Well, it just means so much for a small town girl like me!>It sure makes me happy that there are good and honest people out here willing to fight the good fight against riceism!>Onigiri may have some of the girls in the back fooled but as long as can see her for what she truly is, then that's all that matters.>Thank you, Miss Raquel!Corn Girl smiles as she listens to Raquel's story about how she got her clean. Her face remains frozen but a noticeable blush starts to bloom. Blood runs down from one of her nostrils.
>You->Un->Undressed->That means you saw-> . . .>Excuse me, Miss Raquel I have to sit down for a second.> . . .>Bath-Corn Girl walks backwards and manages to sit on the bed. A light haze befalls her like she had just take a shot of corn whiskey. Or so she imagined, Corn Girl had never had alcohol before but has seen enough of her kinfolk visit to know what it does.
>Y-You're right, Miss Raquel!>That wicked Onigiri and her pesky friend Miss Mare may got me down->But it takes more than subpar pizza and a few fancy kicks to keep Cream of the Crop from the Top of the Pops!>Thank you, Miss Raquel!Corn Girl tries to stand up but her light headedness causes her to sit back down on the bed.
>I believe in you too->Amiga!