>>21658376Maybe try reading what i said before spouting irrelevancy
You completelt ignored the 5 months of perpetual darkness and the Day of the LORD
Either address the subject or quit parroting your gstekeepers who are not in Christ but the traditions of men
The rapture is not some get out of jail free card that occurs prior to the tribulation, read ezekiel 20:33, the bride is going to be refined like silver in a furnace of affliction
And no orthodoxy is simply another glorified prostitute of rome, same as protesting catholics, for the vatican is the whore of babylon and the mother of prostitutes: that includes all schisms and defectors that went about their own way yet continued her blasphemies and ordinances
Christians do not get to pick and choose which of Gods Laws to follow, they do not get to replace them or change them with their abominations
Christ even Said, if you love Me(Him) keep the Commandments
And also, He came not to remove one jot or tittle from the Law, He did not come to do away with the Law but to fulfill
That means to give it greater meaning and depth, christians are supposed to uphold an even higher standard
Your problem is one of hubris and pride because it is a sin to follow a multitude and pervert judgment, maybe try asking Jesus Christ directly rather than try and start an argument with something niether you nor those mentioned on either side even claim to know a thing about eh?
>>21658378If youre defeated it is so that you may try again, is it not so?
For behold, the Victory was His: so you have already won, deny not the Father, but be humble in spirit and know His reward is with those that holdfast to the faith
The race ia not to the swift nor the strong, but he who endureth to the end, be at peace bro