>>19433468Last night I had a dream I was losing hair like op’s picture. I woke this morning up only to find my full head of thick healthy hair proudly greeting me as Olympus greets a returning god from yonder voyage. As a continued testament of my unfailing youth and superior genetics. The crown upon which rests a body of careful maintenance and unwavering discipline, carved not unlike the finest marble dug from quarry and placed into the hands of a savant of the school of sculpture. “Not bad for 30” I quietly grinned, confidently acknowledging myself as a being of supreme delight who would shrink at deceitful adornments such as hats and toupees. Truly, happiness belongs to those who doth bestride this world capped with the kiss of heaven, the unending growth that neither thins nor fades. Truly a beacon for the vast world to see, with envious eyes, and mouths of awe, agape in bewilderment.