>>3840253>At this point, I don't think I give a fuck anymore.you shouldn't
>Reaching a consensus is almost impossible though. You're always someone's outcast. This very thought links you to 4chan. You are right and this is why I don't understand this place anymore. Everybody knew there were these differences, but we didn't try to mask them or really sympathise with others because we knew that, it was more of a lose connection than a community, but nevertheless I loved my fellow /b/tards.
>Would you enjoy /b/ if you stumbled on it today ?Excellent question. I seriously don't know, how could I? If I was 15 again and saw /b/ the first time the way it is now, I think I wouldn't have been there for long.
Maybe this would have been better though, as I wouldn't feel as I do now.
Lurk moar francefag.