>>13576873I do have a wife, and children. My wife is terminally ill, not cancer, but bowel problems that will eventually lead to an infection she won't be able to fight off and that'll be that. Tonight at dinner she was crying, upset with her situation, upset with what she couldn't cure, just sad that near her 50th she's literally coming apart. She said through tears, if you wanted to leave me for another women I'd understand all these issues and problems, and I put my hand on her arm and said 'you can still jerk me off' and we both laughed.
I don't want to see her die, but I also understand that dying alone is even worse and I pray to God that I won't be alone when my time comes. I've thought and even said in the past I was leaving my wife, just 20+ years of marriage things(I'm human) but I always come humbly before God and realign my thoughts and understand that this isn't just my journey, but it is our journey. The kids know mom is pretty sick and they're doing really well with it, she gets sad and upset she can't go out and do all the things we do together, but we keep planning for the future it's kind of all you can do at a certain point.
Yes, find girlfriends and get married anons but also understand that this human condition isn't always fantastic hanging out with a vagina 24/7. Sometimes they die and you have to be the one standing next to them, telling them you'll take care of it all, then you have to fucking go and do it.....