So I've played Super Ledgehop: Double Laser thanks to someone.
The game is very short(~1.5 hours of gameplay), very fun, cute chars and has a lot of maymays.
It is something like hotline miami mixed with bullet hell but without gore, much easier and cute. The game is very forgiving if you're not used with this kind of games and has a really cool mechanic of deflecting enemy bullets/absorbing them. Because the MC has a BB gun later on you won't do a lot of damage so that's why you have to absorb the enemy bullets and kill them with their own bullets, isn't this like super cool?
Also the game has 2 endings, a good one and a bad one, one specific char will tell you to look up after some keys so pay attention if you want the good ending ;)
And that's it, ain't much to say without giving spoilers, just gun em down and see for yourself, after all it's a short one
Anyway, game's OST is very good. The game has around 435 MB (from Steam). It's also a good game to get 100% achievements on it!!
If anyone's interested the game is on discount right now on Steam till 2nd of January (0,39€) tho the game is fairly cheap (0,79€ full price)
It also has a spinoff! (Yuuto Ichika Makes Friends!) If you want to know what happens after the events of Super Ledgehop you should check , it's free has been postponed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also janny pin this thread (●'◡'●)