Faggot here,personally i hate gay pride parades and all that bullshit but gay pride started not as a literal "pride of being gay" but a movement against the homophobia at the time,protesting and claiming our rights just like every other human being.
Now in this time the idea of "gay pride" it's shit,as
>>8754515 said must fags now days are retarded liberals,they think that their gayness can be their personality (I really hate gays that are like this),they don't have anything interesting enough about their personalities and this type of gay is annoying belive me.
Also you guys should be happy you don't need a straight pride,you don't need it because as a straight person you don't need to protest for marriage or fear that your family is gonna reject you for being straight,now as a gay you have to do all this,so gay pride is just about not be afraid of being gay,not literally being proud of being gay.